Empowered Patient Podcast

Our Story

When EmpoweredPatientPodcast.com started in 2014, I asked questions to find out how companies were empowering patients. Now, companies are coming forward to talk about how they are empowering patients, caregivers, providers, healthcare facilities, pharmaceutical companies, and payers.

Our podcast journey took a significant turn with the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. The number of interviews skyrocketed as we sought to capture real-time responses to the virus, including the development of vaccines and treatments and lessons learned about population health. Many of our recent episodes delve into the lessons learned during this challenging period.

This collection of guests has grown organically. In addition to US-based companies, there are many interviews with international companies. In total, there are nearly 1,000 podcasts and transcripts with over 900 unique guests. Three to four new episodes are published every week.